
In The Name Of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful 

Hi,we're Ribena band.okay let's go through some introduction.Our band was established on October 14 2011.Actually that day we, all of us go to the library to study because some of our group members were having final examination next week. Okay its not all of us were having final exam because one of our member actually were not highschoolers but lets call it ex-highschoolers because she was 18 years old.But we came from the same school that is Kluang High School.,Okay not actually from the same school but in the same city Kluang. 

After all the chaos of study we make at library then we walk together to town to having some fun. Then,while we at the roof top of Kluang Mall, we made some videos and took some pictures,that was so exciting as all of us are retarded. The word 'retarded' huh? 

At that night we sleepover together as our Keyboardist has to stay alone at home.And yeah,we edit our video our pictures and then we thinking about what we gonna put on the name of the album  at facebook. Our main vocalist just came out with the name Ribenaband and yeahh we love it.We are actually not taking this into serious,but just wanna have some fun.